Questions for all SOS countries


Laura, Aliisa, Mari and Janita like to know about your nightlife.
1.What is the most popular bar?
2.How you spend your free time in weekend?
3.What is the best place to party?
4.And they would like to have some picture about your country nightlife?

It would be nice, if you could sent some pictures to girls. Pictures could be taken at night and you could be in them too. If it´s possible you could take pictures from places where you are spending your freetime for example at weekends and so on… And is it ok if they will show some of your pictures to another students?

Please, send to answers to janitakonttila(at)

This is for Paslek, Poland
 Heta and Heini like to know about
1.       What kind of sights do you have in Paslek?
2.       Could you take photos of them to them, please?
3.       They would also want some information of them, if it´s possible?

Answers to  heini.jalkanen(at)

Questions for Murcia, Florence and Paslek

Singers and bands

Laura and Hannele are making their project about singers and bands. They are presenting a musician or band who come from these cities (or nearby). They need information and photos. These acts could be for example popular amongst young people (rock band or pop artist). The act should be known in the whole country, but not necessarily in other countries.
They would like to know this information about the acts:

  1. Name/members
  2. Genre
  3. Founded
  4. Albums and year released
  5. Other important, special or interesting information, for example awards, how many records have they sold…
  6. Pictures (also album covers)

Answers to tervontytot(at)

Question for Poland and Italy


 1. What kind of dances you have in Poland? Which is the most common one?
 2. What is the dance called “Spider” there in Italy.

Answers to meeriviivi(at)

Questions for Dublin, Murcia, Firence and Paslek


1. Jaakko will need comprehensive and concise details about these towns history from founded day to present day. Details do not have to be so particular
2. Also Jaakko will need pictures significant history buildings and persons. These pictures have to relate to towns history text.
You can send him details and pictures to his email: northviking(at)